
Contact us at:
(908) 753-0662

During the past 65 years, Holy Cross Pre-School (preschool) has strengthened the mission of the Church of the Holy Cross (church) as an extension of its ministry. The preschool strives to provide a safe, positive, and caring learning environment to students. It encourages dialogue with parents through daily communication, documentation of learning, and conferences conducted virtually. Families are provided access to resources that promote their children’s learning and development.

North Plainfield School District

Since September 2001, the preschool has operated the pre-kindergarten (pre-k) program under a series of one-year agreements with the North Plainfield School District (district). The district sets the curriculum, goals, and direction of the program. The preschool provides administration, teachers, and facilities and is reimbursed monthly. Holy Cross Pre-School is one of two private preschools contracted by the district. Until September 2017, the preschool administered four “2½ hour” programs: two classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. Two classrooms were utilized.

During September 2017, through a competitive Preschool Expansion Aid application process, the district received a $1.6 million grant from the State of New Jersey for a full-school-day program. Full implementation of the expanded school day commenced on October 2, 2017. The grant was renewed for the school years 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, and 2021-2022.

The preschool has three classrooms intended for a full school day program.

The program aims to provide a high-quality preschool experience designed to increase each child’s school age readiness and to establish a strong base of skills as a foundation for future learning. It is the district’s belief that a high-quality program will provide both short and long-term benefits that result in sustained school achievement and successful post-secondary outcomes.

Program Requirements

State of NJ Department of Education (DoE) recommends the effective use of Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards to support the needs of young children in a preschool program. The district implements curriculum and tools to meet the Standards. Creative Curriculum for Preschools is a research-based curriculum that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning, enabling children to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical-thinking skills. Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale Revised (ECERS-R) is the observation tool designed to assess the quality of center-based preschool classrooms. Careful documentation and assessment of young children is an ongoing process. It helps teachers and administrators in determining appropriate classroom activities. It also supports teachers in enhancing their understanding of student development, reflecting on instructional progress, and assessing student needs.

Academic Program

The Pre-K Program, as contracted with the district, is offered free to residents of North Plainfield. The district’s pre-k program is administered through a combination of classes in-district and in private preschool providers (Holy Cross Pre-School and another private provider). Currently there is a combined total of fourteen classrooms.

All pre-k students have exposure to the same high-quality, developmentally appropriate materials and learning opportunities. All classrooms share a common structure and organization, are equipped with standard materials, and focus on the common objective for learning and standards aligned to the core principles of Creative Curriculum. Cohesiveness of the program across providers occurs through the guidance of the district’s Supervisor for Early Childhood Education and the Master Teacher. They provide professional development, mentoring, curriculum monitoring, assessments, and follow-up support. Additionally, specific students receive support from the Early Childhood Interventionist and Speech Therapist.

  • Students attend school for 6 hours, five days a week. The preschool has three full-day classes with 15 students in each class.
  • The September 2021 school year started with in-person instruction under strict social distancing regulations. Following DoH and CDC guidelines, unvaccinated students are placed on home quarantine or isolation for 10 days when they test positive for Covid-19 or when they have contact with a positive case. Teachers conduct virtual classes (Zoom) when a class is placed in quarantine. Daily learning activities are also posted online (ClassDojo).

Organizational Structure

The preschool has ten dedicated, credentialed, and qualified staff members. Staffing is implemented in accordance with regulations as set forth by DCF. DCF provides a “Manual of Requirements” which stipulates the guidelines governing early childhood programs and its administration.

Head teachers have NJ certification on Early Childhood-Preschool to Grade 3 (P-3), as required by the DoE. Teachers and staff attend district monthly grade-level meetings and training. Professional development activities are well-organized and consistently planned to improve teaching practices and fully understand the curriculum. On a regular basis, the Director participates in meetings with district administrative personnel. The Director is also a core member of the Early Childhood Advisory Council. Staff members are certified in CPR and First Aid. Certifications are renewed every two years.

The Church is the preschool’s sponsor for DCF reporting purposes. Harry Allen is the sponsor representative. Staff members are as follows:

  • Carina Hill, Director, Administration
  • Barbara Vitelli, Director, Curriculum
  • Maryke Megaloudis, Administrative Assistant
  • Mary Applegate, Teacher
  • Ruby Carter, Teacher
  • Diana Ehling, Teacher
  • Jo-Ann Smith – Teacher Assistant
  • Pat Vetter, Teacher Assistant
  • Zoe Carter – Teacher Assistant

Mission Statement

We recognize that God creates each individual person with unique gifts and abilities. At Holy Cross Pre-School, we seek to develop these gifts and abilities in a Christian setting. We strive to provide a nurturing environment in which children from all socio-economic, religious, and ethnic backgrounds grow spiritually, intellectually, and physically.

As a ministry of Holy Cross Church to the community, Holy Cross Pre-School fulfills its mission by offering the following:

  • Small classes where each child is assured personal attention and understanding.
  • Opportunities for creative expression and development through exposure to creative play, music, and arts.
  • A wide variety of physical activities that teach the importance of maintaining a healthy body.
  • Experiences of helping others (even people we do not know) and instilling the values of sharing and caring.
  • Frequent events that involve children, parents, and staff creating an atmosphere of close interpersonal relationships between home, our school, and the community.